
Monday, July 25, 2011

Our turn.

"it's my turn, I think your like that
It's my turn, but sometimes I think u look like a cat
It's my turn, you make my eyes bat
It's my turn, their is no one who can sing happy birthday like that.
Yes one can!
It's my turn, tell me how does it go?
It's your turn, to tell me, its our turn, together we glow.

-this is a poem Paul and I wrote playing around together where I started the first line and then he said the next etc. Together we went on our own missions to post it separately on our blogs but when I re-read it I changed it without him knowing. If you want to see his draft it's slightly different only in the last line. That was the one where we kept rewriting to make it just right. I hope you will get the urge to click here

Check out the "banana" on YouTube if you get bored.

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