
Saturday, December 16, 2023


 Wrote some ideas about how I feel we need to Drastically try harder to save the planet.

Here goes... Before I begin I think the critical change we can shift into now is about living INTENTIONALLY... so with more awareness. we might need to stop what we are just keeping on doing to look at our every move and question it. 

Do I really need this>?

Do I need to be doing THIS JOB? Can this be truly necessary>? IF you're not sure STOP doing it anyway until your sure and about even how its being done being the best way for the PLANET.

The point is to be HERE NOW and STOP to be sure that what you're doing on auto pilot and leading many others to do as well, is it honest? Good for the planet? have Gaia at the MOST IMPORTANTANCE? of are you taking from the planet in a non circular way and stripping/depleting the planet? Can this be improved> ? OF COURSE IT CAN & It MUST! so lets stop doing anything which doesn't help out vessel thrive and grow and be a better stronger home for us. This thing we share called Gaia/Mother Earth/Planeta Tierra etc. is what we have as the human race in common to put all our Goals and missions #1 prioritized to care for Her! and from us all doing that we will find a common denominator, a Humanitarian cause, something that tears down all the separation and finally brings us INTO UNITY. and by putting her first we all become humbly united as a family. Nothing else matters more. No war, no amount of oil, no religion, no Ala here and Zalah there... OUR GOD is our thriving planet Earth. the Plan is to put her first to cure Climate change, all the issues we have to be put aside bc this is really the only one that should matter. no Bomb is ever OK anywhere if we truly care about our Planet Blooming with abundance giving us nourishing food, shelter from organic materials like wood, clean water to drink, a happy family to share and enjoy with. NOTHING MATTERS MORE THAN THE COMMON DENOMINATOR. We must stop and just agree. 

So IF we can agree to that we can agree that we must stop production of chemicals and anything that poisons the planet. What would that be>? cocaine isn't one of them bc that is a natural thing. Im talking Round Up, Acetone? Plastic? tons of products we use that we need to eliminate if they are damaging our oceans, the animals, nature etc. NO QUESTION. Tell me what we need to have that is killing us that we need? I know its gone be hard, its great we have invented things outside of the organic realm but we need to take these things back and control THEM like we have with Marijuana and drugs for so long. They aren't the enemy we need to be aware of what truly IS harmful and put a Halt to that. Global Warming is an issue Government needs to take the LEAD in protecting and finding an end to HURRY UP like a murder mystery, like a speeding ticket, like apparent fraud. Be our true Hero, everyone is involved in the trans formation of the new paradigm, know right from wrong and don't do it for the money... Do question it. Fuckin Pussy.

Natural Remedies work, use them. Planet of plants, rivers, oceans, that gave us crystals, caves, stones, in multidimensional colors and temperatures, textures, altitudes, gifts and animals who lived and ate there evolving, into final extinction, like that last something, make it last, multiply it, we have a brain, we have a zoo for Gods sake, what for if its not for the sake of science! It should be our animal Hospital Retreat place not a place like Disney for entrapment and more business at the expense of a rare animal life, treating life like a Dog instead of GOD. 

To win it we must ORGANIC it, to stop killing it. In how long after can Flowers Bloom from that Boom? 

We need to know. we need to be able to care and control that bc its out of control completely.

Rely on an ECO planet is how we can CARE about our ECONOMY :)Realize how imp this is. This is SOURCE.

Economical, Eco Green,... the planet is a money machine... a Happy Planet Healthy Good Plan in Action... Circular, NOT LIAR, Circular Sir take this cue... no more q's

This is Army, Governments ONLY Mission to stay in power. ambition, TAMBITION. 

Plan it right no more a Republican 0r Democrat war anymore. GREEN PARTY WIN NOW for the Human Race together wants this ACE! This is NOW the planet says OUUWW.

Planet its Time to FAM IT. Our plane ride, our net when we fall, my land is your land, this lane we all are on, Universal only road we all take, the route-no-U-to turn on. Don't go against it. we lost our way, in plane sight, we are part of a system of delight! Please, Our Heart, the plan that keeps us connected to art, making music, learning by listening, subtle, simple. Generous loving Gaia giving 10/10 All it has... Bow Down to ET. smile before we tear , she hears all, feels all, absorbs our pain, consoles us w all her gifts, grounding us w gravity, this home we make, this mother to all, can we take care of her? can we give back for a change, the count down from in ten tion  as we reach one, will we finally come together? a close family through urgency, love think creatively! Our Art our choice!

Play by Ear

Planet Earth.

Net like surplus, profit, catch the falls, Listen up, You Spring! 

Easy Easy Please this Planet 

Can you hear her? Will you listen? Lists yes Lists Make lists that's Plans! Let me see an Earthling doing something to help us grow and soar. NATURE isn't YOURS. 

This planet is a place to PLAY, sweetly, sway!

Eat together, Eating seasonal, the taste of seasoning ,

Her fire soul, worms on surface, OMG no GMO.

US, our cars=the grouch on Sesame Street 

trashing wo growth.

All U minimum?

Tie? Tame? None of them...

Stealing is all

Let me Re-mine you

Gold/Cocoa BROKE-OH?

is this a joke though?

Selfish Murder like OJ but in your neighborhood Lemonade stand

knocking out dead w poison machines clean like vacuum Machine Guns POP like chewing Gum

Generation Obey a General

No more FIRE! We need an Aquarian AGE, its all about WATER

The water we want is the natural FLOW, really nothing more. NO MORE BOOM BANG GO!

It's STAY, STOP, LET IT GO.... see how long u can go wo a sip of it, Life Force, This is True, Water is Life, Planet Earth!

We can dance to make fire, make love and cuddle each other to stay warm we can let go of the FIRE but not of the water! For we are FIRE! and Climate needs us right? so stop the Bombing and gun fire! this is warming! we can get together and hug to stay warm instead of FIRE!

for GLOBAL WARMING sake stop making the planet hotter! Government is NOT LOVE if so we should call it LOVERNMENT ;)

Its warm inside go deeper and find her core, just the kiss of the sun be what heats her now, find other ways to stay warm w animal skins, and alive living cuddles. exercise, hot pools and what not,.

Dream Catcher Plan Net

Im the spider I felt it. 

LOVE The TIME of your Life!

For Gaia, GAZA. 

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