
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Genie Rose...

 I am working towards creating and writing my 7year Vision next. Superwise Manifestation, Deprogramming to Re-program. I declare to be my best version of ME bc I AM POSSIBLE, confide in me. It's all a decision to my own self to be true. Everyday doing more tasks to get me closer to my goals consistently moving on my path towards a better, more evolved me that I am proud of. I am generous and that is a beautiful trait to have, generous with my time, my guidance, my healing, my light, my art. I am in a good place in my soul and in my core while everything outside of me is just challenges that make themselves out to be bigger than they actually are and as the Fires grow in California and the Wars and devastation continue ppl still don't know how to offer love and support to me in a rehabilitation program. Sad how ppl are treated in our own communities instead of building up they tear you down so that they can take credit for who you end up becoming. No, this is not bc of them, this is bc of what I choose to read and do outside of what I am told that I have peace and love inside my soul. I am doing my own homework with my thoughts, meditations, spiritual readings, and many more secrets that I have to offer people who want to come closer and find out, just ask. I want to help and be of service and you already know that. I am 40 now so I think Ive reached a place where I finally feel comfortable stepping into my power and offering myself and my expertise as a healer and hear you out, I want be HERE for you. We can go for a walk together, we can do energy work, Reiki once I learn more about U. I have questions about your story after and during as I listen. I offer advice only when you ask for it, that is bc it's better you find your own answers and we can discuss the options, perhaps you're missing seeing something that I can point out for you. I am here to HEAR you and I do a lot of it with my HEART not just my ears. I can see signals in mannerisms and in where vibes will tense vs soften. I feel breathing changes, and face expressions or simply in your thought processing towards individual desires, fluctuations. Do we have an allowing with our words and thought like moving of our wand or are we casting a web on our own selves w down play, not being able to take compliments and not allowing ourselves to dream big enough and play in the dream like its alive and in occurrence! It's just a Fun Dance after all and then we Die but at least we did it! So DO it! DREAM it with me and won't you take this dance called GIVE A DANCE, a water jug you hold in your belly. Shaking it with LIFE like the rivers, waterfalls and streams do, oxygenating, but inside YOU. Do it anyway you wish but do it as a prayer dance for the world, for life, for more flowing, and flowers, to do your part to the trickle you will pour of your water, the cycle, Scientific Terrific Sacred, no words, frequency contained in natures language, ARTS. With this wise Vision we see we must care of our movement, of our thoughts that it all goes back to you what you do. It's a Karma, do no harm ma. even with a hammer we can hit it better, we can sway as we walk, we can be cautious, mindful of our claps and our slams and our zooms and all the put downs. Each gentle step a gift to the Earth, filled w emotion, we might feel so good enough to fly! Light as a heather, glide, like a graceful spinning slide. the wind helping you where you need it, working with the things, the moonlight your perfect flashlight. Anything better than the Television. Tell us your Vision! it's everything organic and perfect size. Why would I life to you? That's exactly wise. To Notice the other person is even there is first level respect for each other. Nobody better than another, they are just more asleep or more awake that is the trouble, potential yet no intuition, didn't pay... attention that is it lol. Pray for them, they the sinners. May we all know how to create human heat like fire, through dance, through love, with our bodies, how do you think we survived the Ice Age? not only from the actual element of fire but by movement, the healthiest way to spend our time on Earth, the best investment of ourselves for our mood, for longevity, for the rest of humanity, bc alongside nature is where we belong not in a gym but with our skin in the sun and exploring the unknown trying things you have never done before expanding with new textures, sounds, sights, people, combinations you will download. Follow the good feelings of bliss from your curiosity, like this you are safe in the world and adored. With an openness you will, in childlike awe, just see all that you can be grateful for. be a breathing living aligned version of you and watch it all unfold for you. Participate you are a part of the master plan et Tammy show. ehem, Im not Tery Im Miss Tammy<3 

Friday, June 14, 2024

My Future in the Crystal Ball…

am a Ball of Love! So full of life! Transmuting all that comes our way with dismay into utter delight. Thankful for all the choices I’ve made to get myself united and to this place of Power. From purifying my soul and digging deep to turn darkness into divine abundance and gift of my light. I am so proud of the person you present yourself as to all the people you meet and greet, inspiring everyone you come into contact with. Thankful for being an Earth angle and protecting the good and sacred. My vision, sharp and panoramic like an Eagles view, I’ve kept my integrity and like a Goddess phoenix have exemplified strength and sophistication through adversity from a keen awareness and Birds Eye view. My heroine has steered us to Freedom, Joy and Peace through healing and by simply being. I see my family united and happy, children running through flowers and fruit trees one with nature. I see how organized and clean you like to keep everything. I feel the sunshine as we walk through this farm that everyone can enjoy. I feel everyone around me is healthy which helps me feel even more healthy myself. I see the overflowing of your love for everyone surrounding you and the interconnectedness of it all, including the animals. I see how graceful you are, you’re strong and you do it all in like a dance. Stopping for curiosity! Free to feel at peace! I am proud to be me, I AM. I am so excited for the seasons that change and the new ripe foods and spices it brings. Such respect for Mother Earth was lacking years before. It is amazing to see you working so diligently on your relationships, the giving and receiving never depleting, I feel your motivation! I hear so much laughter, the birds at play, beautiful music, instruments like harps, drums and tambourines with crackling of fire at night. I hear the angels and ancestors singing their medicine songs all around, drowning out the sadness with truth and wisdom. I taste the most magnificent healthy foods from the blessed ground we walk on, exposed, not under cement. I taste the elements in the winds breezing by, swooping through my nostrils and hitting my pineal glad with information of survival. I taste the melting snow, at an exact degree wind change, I feel it all and it is all love that I feel. I sit with my partner, soon to be husband, he caresses my face and puts the curl in my hair behind my ear and whispers something that makes me giggle. I feel so connected to be able to braid my daughters hair with ribbons and flowers too. That I get to read my sacred books of knowledge every night to fill my soul expanding my wisdom. That my life has become about spreading these wonderful secrets…a chain reaction of bliss. I am honored to empower my human family towards a better world towards a higher dimension. I love this beautiful planet Earth and our World Wide Web that has allowed us to take back our power from those with greed and we have turned it into a paradise for us all, every single one. 1111 Don’t stop making wishes Tamara Aida Diaz McVeigh A marvelous woman. Amar, to love, and we love you too.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

What Ive recently realized…

Its the defining moment, the time to decide… what ever we decide will need to be clear and concise, remembered, spelled into the great conciousness mind and echoed into realization. It is there, all there but our choosing will make it whirl it into power w our desire, the feelings we have of having it mixing in with our intention… like a record repeating in a whirl wind it Will! And so now is the ticking time to say it, know your power, be so sure! Be 100000% sure after all your off kiltering, swaying side to side getting familiar w the diff forms of feeling off balanced. Feeling so sad after being so happy,,, remmeber the bigg balance… the pendulum swing, the Universal Laws, and the Covenant agreement you made before this life of treasuring this vessel body you were given. The way you use your body, the ways in which you love your body, the thoughts you have sent your body, the way you dress it, the way you hold your posture… and how much you have improved!!! Realizing that this body is the way for a better world! The covenant you hold, the secret contract, the U that U are and the inner child you have inside, the relationship with yourself and with all sentient beings! All the birds can feel your energy! All the trees and butterflies and if you look at the air itself its filled with all sorts of energy and pollen and life and spirits! Look! Dont worry about looking cool, worry about how devinely connected we are so much so that we are in a delicate play of energy w every single movemnt we make! Affecting and rippling out into all sorts of other! But really to take notice! Awe Awareness! Like opening the blinds on your whole soul and seeing all the signs and when you see one, you see another one and another one… just ask! Show them that u can See and they will show you more. Ask to see messages of LOVE AND KINDNESS and WHATS BEST FOR THE GOOD OF ALL and the “voices” may not need to be quieted but gifts of whispers that you can just decode and decide if u will let guide u. Love surrounds you! We are asked to stop and notice! The animals help, for me the birds really do. Did I tell you how an Indian Man told me to feed the birds and that they will protect me… where is that man and what was his name? He even gave me one of those Goddess names and back then I didnt pay enough attention… I wrote it down somewhere… but idk if I will ever know. So that is an example to paying better attention bc if u do u will live so WELL-THEE! You will see the abundance! You will dance in fact! Moving will become a dance, dealing w ppl and your whole entire Life a dancing prayer! Rotating and Meditating. So even I cant live only as a dancing writer but it will be part of what I do. I enjoy expressing whatever is needed for the moment. Its all a process of transmuting and transforming and channeling. If i am in a better place I will write better things, if I am agry, sad, etc I may channel dark or heavy energies… yes! This must be seen! I am not a robot! I am an emotional expressive being and these are my brush strokes! They are worrds and they have human kindness and meaning, both. My tattoo on my back is of 3 dandelions to make 3 wishes… its to remind me that I believe we can always make 3 wishes! Everyday! Every moment! A way to check in on what u want! Knowing that firmly is a great advantage and puts gas in your vehicle! Your heart like an engine! Your mind the steering, your gut perhaps practically the wheels w food and water fuel and the air oh the air…. Thats what we cant live without most! Water is life! Notice your mood change when you eat and stay hello hydrate! That is the difference between a Ferrari and a Jeep for example… shushness … idk im just kinda joking here… u know, i do that. Not following a yellow brick road making my own unmarked path from having digested others yellow brick roads and here I go making mine… but what do I want? I dont have a boyfriend, or a husband right now… i dont have any babies, i have a dog, shes like a cat and she is really easy, my Mom just got a puppy and he is BIG BIG LOVERRRR BIG! ❤️ I want to Fly! I want to see amaxing things and meet amazing people and Yes I would like to fond (freudian slip) find someone yes I am Fond of and can Bond with and who is intelligent, successful wnd has a sense of humor please. Someone I have an attraction towards and we just have a great chemistry and make a smooth team. Yess!!!! So Im working on organizing my deepest deseires and I hope we can all do this, of course we get to come back to the drawing board but just to inspire the new Earth… find your intention and be the best you can be! You will see that you can! You are a star! So shine your light! I really do love you. Xoxoxoxo