
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Peace on Earth

I’m pretty sure I decided to do all the things I did myself. It’s not a matter of being pushed by my parents or something… it was even more than that, me trying to out smart us all. Not only them but my own priorities were lined up and “risk” isn’t the word when u simply desire to do something diff. Life can be easy! Life should be easy, taken more like a flowing, easy going, octopus in the current or a flower bloom in the seasons. I have shit to be pissed off about. If u want to know ask me and promise u can keep it between us. I have a reason to be upset. I won’t keep on focusing there… I feel also a sense of relief that I am me and that it may take a while to get me to the decent incredible man I so deserve… 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

It’s more than that….

I am committed to working  to  find intimacy, a great relationship w communication, love and mutual respect. !!! I’m willing to have the heart to heart that Is needed, and to take the time to find a common vision. No matter who u r we should be able to grow but I don’t have forever and I must from this moment foreword stay true and latient to my true divine self… attraction is very important which leads to living in my authentic self when it comes to one form of love, not the only one and not the most powerful. I see beyond it… I know I do but starting a family is a goal and the traits passed are multidimentional.

What I can do…

Is think more positive… I’m pretty positive most of the time but to not let a negative thought permeate long is a new important challenge for me. I find myself telling others around me to do it too. I realize how much what I hear around me or the news or what not I’m sensitive to. I try to steer it out of the gutter. I go to this particular lake scene a lot… I think of a classy scenerio w a dock and I’m wearing a long pretty dress… and she’s holding a drink… here is the thing… to dress up the dream she has martini but I guess it COULD be a mock tail… but it’s prob not bc of when I tap into my mood… maybe we r celebrating something to make this be a special moment and I think I remember what I lied about now… it was just a dreamy vision! A dream is a lie til it’s reality. It’s like maybe I should stop obsessing over this stupid idea but honestly it’s weird! I rather be by the ocean, I rather be doing something adventurous! But this strange scene in only my mind is in itself part of my rebellious nature, like something hard to reach or something maybe? Trying to think of the best thing! And yet, the question is.. would I be happy? Maybe. Maybe for some moments… but then what? Would my happiness last? Of course I’d hope so but there is soooo much more to life and sooo much more interesting shit that I could be including. I didn’t bother. I have a feeling I don’t know what I want. I do know for some things! Some of my good ideas I’m totally hung up on like waiting for somebody to say “ok Tammy, I wanna do that with u…” but maybe only bc I’m not ballsy to do it alone. I guess I have to grow more and I have a feeling my past lives are affecting me, if I had known this would be so difficult I would have been more private. Embarrassed is now an understatement LOL I’m mortified! Like in some snow globe banging to get out. So back to what I CAN do… I can do about half of what I have to do… I CAN do more but I don’t agree with it and so I don’t. It’s like I’m the Castro to my own Cuba or something… don’t ask me. It’s a bad analogy… I’m not ok w losing but I think living and working two hard are opposites. The most important things are going missed. I feel like I don’t know what I just said and probably offended a lot of ppl w it or  so whatever, not my intention. Strange way of putting it. What can I do? I think I can organize and teach and be a parent. Since I can’t hula-hoop and pole dance like a pro LMAO… omg sorry LOL so many things to spend time on and master. I am a designer, a great thinker, an extremely capable woman, a lover, a healer, a mathematician, a writer, a home maker, creator, artist, dancer, singer, companion, and comedian. Ok I love u gotta go! Coox

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

I will be an older lady someday

And I will be too old and gone another. I am starting to notice myself make more mistakes… I have thought about if I’m manifesting it w my belief or what… I want a snow globe ride, bubbles of an environment that you select to take… bc we all live in a yellow submarine and the song that never ends is our own choice to hum and dance to, as the repetitive one has shown to be tiring… no wonder ppl start to feel stale. Only if your dancing to your best song will u be inspiring the rest. The rest you need when head hits the pillow at a reasonable time. We have to pass the baton… it’s going across the whole planet. Even as off as u may be u will be able to pass it to somebody who is also there to receive it… you need to find out if it’s best to keep looking fwd or make eye contact and connect w the random stranger that u will probably never see again but… what’s the hurry? Why not have a quick coffee and ask a good question after the obvious ones, in order to learn something. Or touching watches to get connected on FB faster. Or U choose the speed of the information like drops of an IV, not all at once. Maybe even scanning to have technology help edit what’s shown to match compatibility. Personality tested like 5 points on a star at least.  Like I’m thinking we can paint 10 toes at once already bc they care about this when it comes to business.. folding origami as reading a book. Music when we make movements on a yoga mat… not like a piano, like a euphoric sound that inspires a stretch or the length of time of it. Glow in the dark and decomposing as a bed of seeds like LARGE Hamama. Or eggs with hatching surprises LOL, cigarettes that whistle, brooms w magnetic bristles for jewelers and that as a piece of art…. Flip it upside down and watch it glitter w randomness… never the same. Magnetic for everything… LIKE w LIKE… a way to group, more of this for travel, for less accidents, for drones to carry packages, for earring backs to stay on. Like a succióning fan option… blow air out and to blow it in… and find the things that collect on the outer cage… like a metal detector on your own property. A comb berret used on long grass LOL nobody done it w a rake yet have they? It’s something I’d try but then realize it doesn’t look pretty enough to go through w it… maybe if we take a bunch of rakes and do it like a pattern but like BERRETs the little comb u comb one way then the other way to lock the hair… not to be mistaken w a Raspebbery berret which ironically I do have two, one that was my mothers in cashmere and one that was her mother’s in a more classic wool I guess. I still think yoga mats could be abbreviated in material into grip socks for feet and hands like glove rubber cushy… great grip… and the leaves on a Rose looks like a knife edge pinking shears… zig zag… it’s so good… and edible plates and utensils or that we can plant into a tree. 

A mug

With a rainbow for a handle 🌈 , I’ve just never seen one. Or a rainbow back stretcher at a kids playground… maybe it’s a tunnel too? Maybe it has windows. I guess I would add animals to the children’s playgrounds too so they can ride pony’s and play with pigs. And making each kid plant a tree before they can play. That’s one way for abundance! Dream catcher swings! Hanging feathers so ppl who lay on the ground can be tickled by them. Bring back the water fountains! W the button to turn the water on as something kids step on. Giant Flower beds that hydronicx, the land they play on has gold and healing stones all over it. Sunflowers 🌻 changing direction as the day goes by, groups making mandalas w flower petals, maybe even w trash! Learning what is biodegradable. Learning patience and beauty and pattern and color choices and teamwork. What if we made one that never stopped? We just kept it going to have NASA take a picture from Space so we can see what we made as the legal aliens would see it. As things decompose we go back to fill the holes, the trash now a research project to see how things age and how long things take to change, as drumming and dancing and singing and the walk of a park maze has now been collaboratively created. One day we can walk the zoo animals through it… like a peaceful parade showing the beauty and peace and variety we have that must lead us to realize our incredible greatness! The collection of things we have being used and set for display to take trash to a new level since we will be making changes soon… how soon? Like classic cars as Cocacola. Garden of Everything! Garden of what’s been eaten! - eden? No! Eaten! Or make dream catchers from the ties and our legs through the holes and hang upside down more. Creating confetti from things or all those little beads and biodegradable things to be the inspiration for change. Taking the negative and turning it positive like vases buried in the ground that make the shelter for something to pop out as if it’s planted… and messages we can write one another and picked like fortune cookies from a pile. 

Writing my Cuban cousin Rey

Hola Rey! Estoy bien… aqui pensando en Cuba y toda la gente que tiene que sentirse que no tienen libertad. Como nos ponen parte de un pais en vez de raza humana. Segregandonos… pero tambien como son los humanos o como nos mandan a ser que tenemos que hacer cosas incorectas para sovrevivir el nivel de la sociedad. Pagando renta y tanto demas cuando lo basico seria mejor lo que es normal tener sin tanto esfuerzo! La comida creze de las plantas si lo plantamos, lo cuidamos, regamos… ofrecido de la tierra y Dios y con nuestro esfuerzo puede ser nuestro! Tantas trampas! Maneras en que ellos nos pueden quitar tanto. Yo pienso y creo que por lo menos gente debe de tener la posibilidad de limpiarse, ducharse, tener su jabon y un sitio tipo SPA para todos Los que viven en la calle. Para mi es muy claro que tengan su libertad para vivir en la Calle si quieren pero tambien que esten sanos, limpios, sitio para ir al baño para que puedan encontrar un trabajo. Sin eso es muy dificil, creo que es mas importante que darles todos una cama en donde vivir. Somos de la naturaleza pero como humanos nos tenemos que ayudar y “hygiene” es algo que es mejor para las communidades y para combatir enfermedades y pandemias. Sanar a la manera natural seria gratis y algo scientifico mejor que “chemicals” y un baño con aqua caliente, con sal, con una toalla limpia… seria como un printer de gente contenta! Claro que todo trae sus problemas, pero eso es tener amor para la gente. Dejarlos pasar, abriendo corazones, entendiendo las realidades y problemas para encontrar solutiones y sanar casi como si fuera un colegio. Dentistas, massages, clases de nadar, maneras de ser parte de el systema que hay mas optiones y mejor intentiones. Como ir a la iglesia pero es en una picina;) no lo se pero lo tenemos para los coches y me gustaria verlo para la gente que lo necesita y todos lo necesitamos. Y creo que tendriamos mas gente contenta. 🙂

Monday, June 14, 2021

Finding Nemo…

Louise, Debbie and Karen must be friends even tho they might not know each other 🥀

Saturday, June 5, 2021


 I lost my phone, in my own house... when you lose something there may be levels... sometimes its for good, for always or for the best. We are a team... I lose my shit and its actually a blessing. I lose sight of something and maybe not. I am getting a little older now. They are, We are, elevating and escalating and regenerating, but only & best in the flow... chakras get clogged and so does so much of our flow. Either we do/have w our thoughts, our incorrect focus and desires... or we didn't want what we were told was good for us! We must pass on the basic lesson of Respect. No reason is going to be better than that of unconditional love and w that we must keep asking ourselves the questions. remembering and tieing us together w the beauty of truth, clarity, unity, acceptance and the capability to always think larger and push fwd. Unity & Harmony as one. I have been one to disconnect or to take the lead. I do it bc also as vibration I am annoyed to have to keep in my place, in my spot, til everyone is quiet.... I rather be next to a man that made me feel a certain way... you will never guess what his name is...