
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Time ...

Been taking my Cindy Crawford pills but haven't been sleeping home much so I haven't been using my Cindy Crawford face cleansers and lotions but I feel better than ever. I have been planning out how I'm gona get this sculpture done and its been difficult to find what I need but now I have another idea that might work. Was at Home Depot then Michael's and now I will go to Peals, Utrecht and JoAnne Fabrics to get all the supplies sorted. Went to Tatiana Blanco's studio to see what she thought i should use since she makes sculptures w wire and metals.

Lot of fun stuff happening this week for Basel!! Super crazy week here every year... I wish they would extend it all to 2 weeks instead of have so many incredible events and art to look at in a span of basically 3days!

My stomach ache is gone, my pinched nerve is gone, its a beautiful day and I am feeling GREAT, I have energy, I slept really deeply, and so now all I have to concentrate is on this sculpture... but once I get on a roll it should all work out and get done... hope it is absolutely beautiful for you all to see.

Excited to use my hands and get dirty again...

You can do this TAMBO!


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