
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Goodness to Greatness…

Silence not violence

Think violet

Laced In lavender take part in joy today the dark-mess. God Bless. Give more take less for grand Gr-8 sh w-8… and see… 

Things are getting more and more clearly, in the light… lumier, Luz, La Luna white, the yellow light warm, it’s lit not brick road ! Mellow yellow w friends u move, u float, u sail smooth instead of snail. Free the shell 🐚 the walls the way to hell. He who wants this needs to breathe and work on trust and truth too to together bond in kind, human kindness. No highness more oneness to feel best. Heavens to Betsy your bestie! Love thy neighbor, love the whole hood! Love and u will see smiles til eternity ;) fun to think of, imagine! Pretty the Rules. Queen tell the man, how to be a gentleman! 

She’s taking her shell off, she’ll be back…
Eve Diaz is a Yin Yang when you come to think of it. From dark to light. Sorrow to happiness! 

Art for a little “Time Out”…

Petals in a time out sign. Collage crops w editing process, in the work in progress. Enjoying to create these like I used to LOVE. Color, words, in an edit, moving, evolving, growing. Paradise… like throw the dice… positive, pause it. With Trust and some contrast ;) snow top alps, dark frame, highlighted edge, tender, baby buds support. Awoman and her dream. Sim Tam Sun.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Cross

Is us in the Universe like middle of the peace sign… that symbol there is of an arrow directing up, arms are down, knows where it’s going but can even bow it’s head down and move in the right direction. Eye on the goal, aligned w heart, mind, gut, aligned chakras therefore straight arrow body, strong tadasana stance, ready, knowing, peaceful, for the greater good not ego or egoistic reasons, non selfish, logical, believing the unforeseen path to be true, in complete trust. If we all do this we are a good working system like that of a healthy body, the organs like countries, the cells our homes, we are like atoms and atams being affected and doing our jobs, in unison what suffers somewhere in body affects the rest of it. An unbalanced chakra misaligns the others. Reiki, prayer, good healing music, meditation, detoxification, understanding, motive, in motion, no more locomotion just your path, tambonation, each of us learning yet affected by one another, awareness we can move past the past and through it, looping through the system, around the sun, our solar plexus, quantum quanTam, shine! Happy! Enjoy! In Joy! Joyful! Joy Full. Sadness does come. Letting go, knowing there is more to this existence for instance. In this instant, all possibility from here… once upon a time… 11 upon us Tam ;) haha it’s not my ego it’s an example! Ample space for all to dream but the common thread for the greater good must be how we can coincide, combine, unite, unbind, break through the walls they don’t approve, we will win, the good always does. Sit and smile. Wait for it. Winning inside is your side to cradle, rock a bye baby, tree tops where wind blows, clearing the negative, let it go. Rock in a mantra. Your the mandala, the one in charge. Free will. Free Willy! Free Whales 🐳 Free the animals, free our minds, free to chose a peaceful path, a happy world, we can create the infinite flower, flowing, abundantly, look at the trash, it’s all a cycle, manuer from cows feeding seeds from which we eat! Mushroom for all, so much space, so many shooting stars, shooting thoughts and feelings from our hearts. Signals and signs from our faces, in our postures, reactive, needing to stop not only to smoke pot. Shoot some hoop, shoopedoop, photo shoots, of deeper reasons, vulnerable if so truth but not of insecurities, we want to emit inspiration and pass on the loving feelings. All breathing, confidently embracing, this life we have to share… w nature. W the tree tops bearing fruit, through their roots they communicate, like headstands they are holding hands under ground. They are upside down and right side up pyramids, they represent the hourglass of time, spreading out on both extremes and narrowest at the bark waist. Hug the waist ;) don’t waste a hug. And so many little bugs 🐞. We are the same, we can be triangles since we can try again again every single day, women might be an upside down one and man a right side up one. Connected w the invisible other triangle half the one above us that we each can connect to. Women wide at spirit men w spirit meeting at that necessary powerful point. Women flipping the M into a W… able to gather more? Women w feminine the #9 man a #1 and the insisible God as 1 together = 11 Master # and horizontally and vertically # I see it italisized like TAMBONITAs ⛓️ chains woven together, that’s what it does. Bc we are moving that’s why, morphing and changing and from here it continues to be… or not to bee 🐝 multiplied. Just be greatful, bc you desire too…
2 be (happy and free) or not 2 🐝 
+2 or -1
+2 can make love ❤️ 
-1 needs love. 
Love Heals
LOVE tu/you FIRST! 
~Happy Happens~
I love you! 👁️💕☮️⛺️🔑🕉️💘🏴‍☠️
Rebel = Re belle… Super beaUtiful.