
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Sleeping Beauty, Spirit Awakened

 I have to stand up for myself, I feel the need to and that being my true self which is an "honorable Goddess" like ISIS who is in her truth... I just learned that ISIS wore cow horns on her headdress. Im just feeling the way they treat cows and Im supposed to help bring awareness to them. I am in a new chapter and learning a lot and keeping to myself and reading and doing me intuitively and focused on myself. So ISIS btw was a "woman of sorrows to console humanity" I on the other hand am bad at hearing a negative story bc Im such an empath that it affects me, in my body, and so I tell ppl not to even go there w me or teach them how to speak about it wo being affected, and that its best to talk about something else thats more uplifting and helpful to the vibrations since they will attract more of that by talking about it and it also affects me. SO, Im having to protect myself more and ground myself and be in control of my life and choosing what is good vibes for me thats for sure. I even learned that the Nile was made of her tears in Egyptian Mythology which is Myth-Illogical btw. She was a mistress of Magic, who helped the dead, she invented agriculture, the Queen of heaven, protector of Kings, she was loving and motherly, Patron Goddess of medicine and Fertility, she resembled Virgin Mary who represents also the North Star. They made temples of Isis and they were like cults about the secrets to eternal life secret religious initiations. 

Sounds like I really like her. Badass babe! 

Im feeling her energy. I feel like a Rebel w a cause. Re-belle btw too like an ISIS, or something strong and all knowing. I am highly intuitive and have psychic abilities and im on a one track mind knowing what im wanting and doing and if its not aligned w me its falling away. simple. Connected to the Devine, Happy, Enlightened, Assertive, Honest, Straight fwd, protecting my energy, cutting cords, focused on finances, feeling wise, the only way out is through, living less out of habit and more out of intent, setting intentions is where I AM, finding who to procreate with isn't easy, and filling my soul w LOVE since I have yet to truly know I have found my true match/counterpart. 

I am full of positive loving energy.

I love, support and believe in myself

but Im in Isolation. And acting like an Owl in the night. where its quiet and I can think. Its my spirit animal. Im gaining clarity. and yet finding time to make sure I do REST. Comfort, I am taking it and giving it... as well as sharing my creative gifts. Truth seeker, truth speaker, healer, angel & I feel my brilliance and I am humble, praying and ready to serve humanity and step up to better serve my soul tribe. 

Whoo Whooo?

Do you love? ;)



Sunday, March 19, 2023

We are makers of Magic!

 Im going to try to communicate what is going on now that I have found but as you know sometimes Im in the Fool energy, sometimes the Magicians as a trickster and believing that things should be equal... etc. Reading the Native American Tarot cards I learned many new things... but its all correlating and saying similar things together! Of course it does! Thats why we can even feel whats right and what doesn't seem right sometimes... the message said don't FEAR especially "don't fear the fear of winning" which is the cutest little message isn't it? So, the Sand Painter is a card who we still know today... one who paints w sand, it is a temporary art and will be soon blown by the winds, This card brings LUCK is spiritual and artistic pursuits. BUT ONE MUST REMAIN IN TUNE WITH NATURE, thats huge! its really late now so I am not exactly in tune but I am by knowing im not how I will be amending it tomorrow by sleeping a whole day relaxing on the beach and so it goes back to "sand" bc YES that was my plan before I even pulled the card. "lack of concern brings erosion and decay" that goes for the leaders who are not concerned. It says new beginnings and to keep calm and plan carefully for the future. Im at a tipping point w so many things and know I need to really focus and get the support that I need and so deserve. But all in all I am very proud of myself. I am highly intuitive and can heal myself and LOVE MYSELF in a different way finally. its been a long journey to get here, I must be a late bloomer ;)

I have to work on my own belief system more, bc I am very authentic but I need to know what I want more clearly. Align w my purpose and step into my new clarity and sense of being having that inside of me to help guide me and give myself that INNER compass that knows the direction and moves toward it and be a money magnet, find my tribe to surround me w freedom and feelings of LOVE, healthy activities, listeners who are attuned, encouraging, warm, letting me shine and be appreciated. I feel my Power, I sense that Im Powerful, need to care for my gut specifically, eating more fiber, no cheese or dairy. 

The Medicine Shield was interesting to me as Inso for design for TAMBONITA so I was looking into the designs, the reasons for them and found information about Asclepius (which is the medical symbol w the snake on like a cane? He is the Ancient Greek God of medicine who possessed benevolent properties. SO like a snake... its Anti-venom used against his own poison... sound right? I see history is really interesting. Symbolism is part of it. 

Same with my strange description of a PEACE sign last post... well the Medicine Shield is similar in that a Medicine Wheel for example is a symbol of healing and health, in a "sacred hoop" and they use 4 main things in this EVEN peace sign design... Ironic!,,, The HEALER, The WARRIOR, The TEACHER, The VISIONARY each representing an element, a season and its a COMPASS! LIKE COME AND PEACE ? maybe>? Pass is Peace... Compeace. Its a balanced way of being, a healthy one!!!! We wouldn't need as much medical attention if we were all more healthy... so as we know its a corrupt system and these companies that sell us POISON donate TONS of MONEY to the diseases... so that doctors have patients and pharmaceuticals sell drugs and the whole world works as it does IN A SAD UNHEALTHY WAY instead of changing it into free healthcare for all, free food for all, free rent for all, and in abundance for ALL! FREEDOM and safety and harmony for ALL. No more Walls for ALL. More Waterfalls for ALL ;)

So what is my vision quest? The mirror of me is OUR WORK OF LOVE and that looks like TAMBONITA my weave, and Ball of Love my movie... my tattoo of a COMPASS on my right side under arm. Interesting right?

What is my individual medicine? THIS. expressing myself? Seeing things differently? Inspiring ppl, Communicating in my own way through feelings and intuition more than intellectually. To know what the Native Americans has on their medicine shield was what they sought, loved, feared, and dreamed of all drawn on animal Hyde in symbols and w decor. and the shield was not able to protect them actually, it was more decorative and they were put in their homes in a place of honor. w feathers hung from them etc.etc. It mentioned my delays in physical and material endeavors in life.

Even Deepak Chopra was talking about Chitam Mantras, TAM? wow. Im not full of myself I am not a narcissist but I do have to mention all these things that happened today... I don't usually mention all this stuff, I keep a lot to myself. CHITAM said this and it resonated strongly w me... Consciousness, truth which is how I write here... free flowing thought, good, bad & the ugly... I speak my mind and it shows us how we might think, how we can train our brains and so a mantra is the "taxi ride to JOY/BLISS!" So he is showing us the way, the trick!, to how to get there guys! Trust me it works! Yoga and singing mantras are amazing for the soul. The other part he mantioned was to make sure whatever we say is going to be something that brings JOY,,, so we've all made mistakes but we can start here now... so Spring Equinox our real NEW YEAR can actually be a NEW Beginning :) haha! Ra! Ra! 

"Feelings and emotional desires are strong& consequently u are an individual, determined, strong willed person" Yes I am.

Then, Im not done yet almost, I went grocery shopping after my own yoga outside w the breeze, the plants, I had the roots of trees in my hands and I squeezed them to send little love messages and so that they can communicate it to other plants LOL... the breeze blew stronger... etc, magical. Rode bike to the store and guess what? A red apple rolls out when NOBODY was there... and literally rolls out the apple are placement in a very UNLIKELY way and some other stranger noticed and said something too... I put it back and made some jokes out loud bc HELLO! what was that>??? and then I went back and had to get the Apple so that maybe tomorrow I can eat it. ;) 

Idk if Im Eve, Idk if my snake coil woven bags are the snake, Idk if Im RA the sun god, or all of them, or if im crazy, or if im delusional, or if im sick, or if we all are or what is going on, or even been sure of what I wanted, I do know knowing what u want is really important so that u can get it. But honestly this is all so MAGICAL.

Yes WE are :) 

Love always,


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

So I found my phone of course...

 That wasn't nice what I said but I joke. 

It kept me up that I couldn't find my phone and then I had to wake ppl up to help me find it and I found it in the most ridiculous place, on the edge of a table all nonchalantly by the front door of the house. I thought I... who knows but things happen! and they affect us in ways.

Even something so simple like that.

Speaking of EVEN Its prob spelled EVAN... bc I was doing some analyzing and there is an e and an a in Earth, Peace , Heal


and Eden can become Edan Garden of Edan... for this strange reason...

for PEACE ... the symbol is like an e wrapping around the a and then the a has its little tail to the right which comes back around to create peace or to show the wave rhythm in the ocean or continuation of this Peace which is Male and Female Unison and Equal. So thats why we draw things to explain them. 

if the organic line of the yin-yang had another one like it intersecting it... u can start to see an e and an a meeting together and being inside the same circle the a tail of the woman creating like a wave pattern together w the bottom of the e.

I can't distinguish which is the Man of Woman from the letters A & E... Women Men, Man Woman, Male Female, and that we have both those inside of each of us. they r looking at each other, maybe in love, maybe kissing, and time stops like in an hour glass. 

from the top and bottom now picture two arrows pointing at each other in the MIDDLE of the circle...

Its the balance of this PEACE, Peaceful, Earth, Healed, like creating Heaven, not garden of Eden prob Garden of EdAn, Idk maybe I took it too far there ;) Garden of Aden Eden Adam Eve hmmm Eden ohhh EVEN :) Garden of Even they mean... for Peace? on Earth... Even Evan Aven "Ave DE PAZ" = WHITE DOVE of peace" EVEN GARDEN has the a/e... and its all connected so it still works in that order. 

Idk if u get it but its an interesting realization and it makes sense to me. 

Garden of Eden is Garden of God... God is the Big O in the Peace. the circle, the planet, the Ohm, the all together, We, n it keeps on going... like repetition and vibration... we affect others, even other planets *even the oddest* of things* lol

and Odd the Even is what they did w the peace symbol bc its supposed to be symmetrical when its actually complete, that part is just invisible and to be figured out bc things are invisible and its true.

Now I don't know if I like Biden bc For Bidden is like The Forbidden Fruit LMAO... so what am I supposed to think about THAT now???

Ugh Life is really complicated and its really supposed to be simple guys. 


is less than 3... its 1... all one... or 3 pieces that equal ONE ;) Maybe Love is Greater than Peace in its Power. True. 


Monday, March 13, 2023

A good Peace :)

 Lost my damn phone again,,, I think these are now Russian spy roommates that I have... They might be... they def don't have the same morals LOL, I checked, #justsayin

But my phone really?

Too weird.

I got frustrated and poisoned myself... this is NOT my choice, this is triggered from STUPIDITY

Ppl hook up, I can't do it bc Im about something else. 

I want know LIES, what lies are LIES and which ones are REALLLLL LIES

im one pissed off random blond that has no clue what is going on. I don't like any of you ppl... u know which 

I spoke to my roommate for idk how many hours,,, she wasn't acting like a friend for a min and I can't accept that in my own house,,,, this and my own body is what im in charge off and lets not forget my dog! Roxy.... 

some shit is leading us to be pissed off... I FEEL IT! we could help each other and I see that too... what a bunch of crooks. 

I guess thats why I feel suicidal for the fourth power,,, DID u, yea, lil ole uuuuuu

knowwww that u can't say u had suicidal thoughts? NOPE not even after a Pandemic and a breakup w the boyfriend IT IS NOT BELIEVABLE. Exactly bc thats not FREE SPEECH ASSHOPLESSSSS

Uff that was a great mis punctuation. and that happens too... maybe somebody. has me programmed and im just a blond bimbo robot.... TAMMY FROM MIAMI.... so that... you guys think WOW???!!!!! she doesn't have sex bc we haven't figured out. the coochie on this ROBOTTTTam ;)

Do you really think so? I will always try. to be a better Robot for you. You have inspired me to be more Bananas :) Thank You... Will you ever give me peace? I will.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

If I ruled the Atam...

An oath to Earth, a promise to our planet to treat her right. Making companies responsible for ending the making and selling us any more bad things, this ridiculous comment means that we are aiming for sustainable ideas, good products wo chemicals that kill, and aren't green. Think about it. Earth has a heart we must listen to her beat and its changing. I Speak from a cleared throat chakra, fine tuning my ways of communication, sound vibration in my voice as I speak it can heal the planet and w the right choice in words, inspire countries and nations. If sound heals so can the sound of our voice. Pick your words and battles, find peaceful resolutions. Then we are led to the 3rd eye view of our planet, we have to have a plan and then plant it. Growing flowing Oh’ing, loving, flowering. We Owe her one. Our Mother Earth in need of a plan to sea set sail, unity. Humans in harmony. Fully present, great full. Peace on EarthThank you please.

The Turtle egg shaped shell about to hatch RE-BIRTH is more of a sacred geometry turtles shell, it’s a green and blue home, our ohm, it’s a safe refuge, it’s our only place to call home, ours to share and to see flourish, blooming abundantly from the tiniest ant to bursts of joy-us healthy hearts beating together in Unison w the majestic magnetic warm Sun. A turn for Turtle it’s time to be wise as that old soul would, walk more slow u can see more, patience, take the time. Half of our turtle was upside down. carrying Mother Earth, each island like a turtle shell on its own but it’s ONE all 2gether. Tu, you, us, and 2 “come back”, hibernation, special breathing, Turtles can go under water not breathing for 100 days! we must begin to breathe again. To breathe or not to breathe? Let us Breath for the trees, & breathe in the light. Baby steps to the goal/dream. I have a dream… his dream is our dream! (MLK DAY TODAY when I wrote this). We are to Go deep! Get deep into the inner work, go the distance, creating a deeper connection, sea turtles; see yourself, checking your chakras for direction. 

Respect towards our ocean, our emotional body, as a coconut shell, sacred interior, the seed of life! Water of the sea and water for a seed and what we do see and learn about ourselves. 

Sustainable planet, vegan, herbivore, We live on a plant planet, its all alive! 
Don’t be a snappy turtle! Have Goddess Grace all of us from every race, not in a race! She is in control of her reactions. That's what is coming.
Removal of fears and tears
Causing a cure w a gentle stir 
To let us be free w a chance at peace 
Release the pulls of the tide 

All clear for intuitive are ears to hear the master plan our best ever planted planet present.

We are each our own little wave of water. Affecting each other. Sending special ripple effects. A human race ununited is a disgrace and choppy waters not harmony-us. Each Nike swoosh step in disaccord from all, each listening to their own headphones in their heads disconnected. 

Missing our chance for abundance kismet connections. From 8 ☯️ ♾ two diff opposing circles we must untwist ourselves to become one circle. Believing we can live wo evil and make the changes necessary to be a whole 1 circular like the sun. All rays, always, shining not dimmed nor dark. Protecting our crazy, our future, our babies, our food, our time of leisure, our land, 
Like barb wire, and the wired differently. Co-creating more than independently writing, Re-wiring, transitioning our mind fully for better conscious thought. 
A rainbow πŸŒˆ hugged around us into an infinite bow double rainbow to remind us to be present! 

Duality, less do, go slow, don’t stop. 
One beautiful Rose but together we Rise like every spectacular sunrise.
Do reminder and don’t forget to break for tea.. Do, Re, Mi, Sola, Tea πŸ΅ πŸ™πŸΌ Medi/tea
Do find time to read
Rays of sun
Do a Run 
Mi- I AM…
Treat yourself 
To do lists, follow ups. 
Feminine, bath, self love appmt, beauty, 
Organize, eliminate, de clutter
Volunteer old folks etc

Unity is all unicorn horns pointing in same direction. Towards the light πŸ’‘

ask why, its wise to know.

The way that unites us is by being human and kind.

Hum Ohm for unity=
HUMuNity with OHM
ALONE is ALL ONE anyway but not as fun
For Fun this is Fundamental! 
Or Awful, an option, a shame. 
PLANTS here & PLANETS out there

Maybe it’s me the ending Ty- T! I WANT TO KNOW WHY TOO. 
The tea to drink
To infuse peace
Or the other versions of me affecting the grand scheme of things. Each of us a T a JesΓΊs but holding up, be strong, in balance, clear not out of focus, not low res, a good T to be the type of UNITY, PROSPERITY we want to see! -Beauty! 

Picked up by a Yukon bc sign saying YOU CAN (so can u). So I’m seeing it like this. Not exactly doing it all the way yet but getting the mesgs and for that I’m great full to be who I am one who can see through the eye in me. I AM part of the U, Universe. UNITY it’s saying clearly what to be. This is it, be the best before we can truly rest (RIP). How about we peace before we rest. 
To be the sun one must shine ✨

Even on the other side, shine in your sleep, sleeping fully, dreaming big, receiving answers to create, to be great, for when awake a pretty pattern in our water & swirling through the air, fully present giving your gifts and able to receive from another peace of this explorative circular circ-us always ready to interact and share a laugh! ❤️πŸŒžπŸ™πŸΌ

“She says I am the one Micheal” on radio in Lyft … U are! 
After the One Hotel back door didn’t open for her. 
Eye of the tiger w my tiger eye. 
A Sunset w sun character sculpture 
Vitamins I bought in an empty EMPTY! container what’s empty must be filled. Or I see it as a waste of space for more vitamins … they must be doing something to get away with that… like a hiding spot in my opinion nobody checking on that?

Traffic might help the economy that’s why they don’t do anything to fix it.

We aren't in flow. Finding ways to Fix it.

Sun Reigns.

Infinity or yin yang is in movement, has both good and bad and so the planet is twisted. 
Our planet at Peace is stillness, its OHM as 1.
There is a difference, I think we can see it all as GOOD and the things change with perspective.
We will then be united all a piece of the peace... and at ease... not fighting. This mission is for HUMANITY to be complete.

I cannot believe

Im in absolute awe of everything every little thing even all that I am feeling, like, a lone and all.. I know this can’t be forever so I look Fwd to holding my hostage by the neck in one hand… like a winning psycho bitch..: so that every one is scared. 

Ok fine

I am done!
I see it!
The music is not helping matters!!!!
They r taking it out on me guys and it’s not funny

I can’t make u guys do

U ok?

The only thing

I wasn’t there.


There was no horse…

You imagined the horse….



Where r u from?
Just curious ;)


What’s my name?


You have to guess…


That’s not it either…

What could it be?

Idk it.

I forgot.


I’m lost in SPACE!

It’s a new place ;)

To: Title

I cannot believe that we r connected and that THAT SPELL CHECK could be soooooo baaad. Wow. Making us look bad. Wow. Idk why I’m even here. I really ideally rather be dead… that is a SUCH better look than that of YOUR TEAM… my TAM would be more LOVING, MORE WAAYYYYY MORE BETTER… (you better get your shit together) 222222 


Thursday, March 2, 2023

Take care of the Rest…

Talking to myself and caring for myself and being careful and super productive re-arranging my home, making time for creating, and the mundane tasks are getting done thoroughly. I’d say I’m being super motivated and efficient and happy in doing all these things. Weekends I choose to spend w my parents and I don’t see it any other way. Not letting myself be affected by others’ negativity as much and able to see it and how I get affected but I tap in to talk to myself and tell myself how much I love ya and w sweetness I feel myself pick up and smile and move on smoothly. 

I’m still in my hybernation mode and not ready to go back out and socialize yet, I don’t have a loop to check out either. I’m 39 now and I am a pretty fascinating woman if u ask me. My flaw is like a quirk and if u laugh we’ll be better off. 

I have a year ahead of me that will have its challenges and the programs I’m in are my priority. Today I completed an online course and I’m very glad that is finished and so it’s a lot of things going on that I need to be aware of. Emails, passports, Dr appmts, revising and organizing, yoga, eating healthy, caring for Roxy and  giving her her meds, I wish somebody was here to feel their warmth and be supportive that’s lacking but usually I’m doing pretty good. It’s a girls dream desire. I know what I deserve now. I won’t easily settle. I want to Love somebody. I’m practicing self love for now and getting ready for somebody special to come into my life and add to my life: how do I find this person? Help me Lord! πŸ™πŸΌ

I am good, I am happy,  I am strong, wise, kind, 
Wishing for the best for all and now it’s time I rest. Xoxoxox