
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Sleeping Beauty, Spirit Awakened

 I have to stand up for myself, I feel the need to and that being my true self which is an "honorable Goddess" like ISIS who is in her truth... I just learned that ISIS wore cow horns on her headdress. Im just feeling the way they treat cows and Im supposed to help bring awareness to them. I am in a new chapter and learning a lot and keeping to myself and reading and doing me intuitively and focused on myself. So ISIS btw was a "woman of sorrows to console humanity" I on the other hand am bad at hearing a negative story bc Im such an empath that it affects me, in my body, and so I tell ppl not to even go there w me or teach them how to speak about it wo being affected, and that its best to talk about something else thats more uplifting and helpful to the vibrations since they will attract more of that by talking about it and it also affects me. SO, Im having to protect myself more and ground myself and be in control of my life and choosing what is good vibes for me thats for sure. I even learned that the Nile was made of her tears in Egyptian Mythology which is Myth-Illogical btw. She was a mistress of Magic, who helped the dead, she invented agriculture, the Queen of heaven, protector of Kings, she was loving and motherly, Patron Goddess of medicine and Fertility, she resembled Virgin Mary who represents also the North Star. They made temples of Isis and they were like cults about the secrets to eternal life secret religious initiations. 

Sounds like I really like her. Badass babe! 

Im feeling her energy. I feel like a Rebel w a cause. Re-belle btw too like an ISIS, or something strong and all knowing. I am highly intuitive and have psychic abilities and im on a one track mind knowing what im wanting and doing and if its not aligned w me its falling away. simple. Connected to the Devine, Happy, Enlightened, Assertive, Honest, Straight fwd, protecting my energy, cutting cords, focused on finances, feeling wise, the only way out is through, living less out of habit and more out of intent, setting intentions is where I AM, finding who to procreate with isn't easy, and filling my soul w LOVE since I have yet to truly know I have found my true match/counterpart. 

I am full of positive loving energy.

I love, support and believe in myself

but Im in Isolation. And acting like an Owl in the night. where its quiet and I can think. Its my spirit animal. Im gaining clarity. and yet finding time to make sure I do REST. Comfort, I am taking it and giving it... as well as sharing my creative gifts. Truth seeker, truth speaker, healer, angel & I feel my brilliance and I am humble, praying and ready to serve humanity and step up to better serve my soul tribe. 

Whoo Whooo?

Do you love? ;)



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