
Sunday, February 11, 2024

Blessings to All...

 Loyal to each one we become Upy'all, it's a thought and it is beautiful in my opinion. It's not meant to be funny even though it has a silliness to it perhaps but it is an underlining treasure. I can see potential in ideas that come from playing with words. The spell we are under or I should say I have been under caused by myself unknowingly with no blame but instead a recognizing of our choices and our power sometimes I gave it away I guess and I am sorry if I bothered you or hurt you or if anybody ever did but we are here to heal these past wounds and try a different tune that sees our traumas as gifts for knowledge and growth and lovingly walk each other home like he said... my mind is blanking. what an interesting problem to solve this big giant one we are all a part of, isn't it>?<it is! everything is both now, Nothing is right or wrong and its truly a time to let that go gently forgiving our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. How lessons are MORE beneficial than Correct Answers in a sense bc its a form of exploring experience to become better experts at Sexy Life Making and Sharing and Love is the only way but friendship makes the world go round, doesn't it? To not only love one another but also to have compassion and acceptance for the flaws for they will happen. Even me here trying to think of the best thing to say not only for you to love and accept me like I'm some desperate person Actually not at all, For myself, for the future of humanity, bc I thought well about this and Im learning as Im going, aren't we all? You aren't like me and I don't want you to be, I am very happy to have you the way you are, I could learn from you and Id love the chance to share great moments with you all to be IN JOY Enjoying the present moment and getting somewhere w this ship my dear friend. won't you Say you will sail with me, closer to the here than away farther away, that might just take too much time and We all don't have so long you see..? I hope you see, and feel and know how much Life is also Truth and its Simple, we have created this to survive to hopefully better this place... Im very proud of us! So many incredible humans Id love to hear from. From Thought to Forming Things, Systems, Rules, all kinds of shit and how can we take a second to look at where we are headed and allow time for goodness. Monday comes back around like a loop on repeat and so does money if we can let it flow and see the energetic exchange we are trading and exchanging with... the bottom line is it comes back to us, creating value with a TRUTH to care about one another together>? not one up and compete like cheat and take,,, its like manners, education, a united understanding of clear mission, Motto-Ship. Light and Dark, it's about a lighter load, sharing for a mentality of abundance. You can have whatever you want right? u have it already... so but caring that WE ALL HAVE IT TOGETHER that's how we have more... not as divisive its planetary, its mathematical, scientific, historic, anything but Horrific, bc its impossible for it to be Horrific if we are all together on it, I think. It's so difficult for me to get along w some people, and just at least if we can send love to the ones that need it, sometimes those are the ones that need it most. I am one of those people, So everyone is, at some point. So flawed myself w awareness and then expecting a better planet is not how these far out things get solved, I believe our children and next generations need to be protected and guided better and pollution doesn't need a poll to ask who wants it to stop. we need more rules against THAT than against humans, Taxes are to be used for the things that Government is allowed to be on control of not to go outside certain lines other wise this self interest CONFIT is Counterfeit and Fuck your dollar its that against LOVE and we have the power! why are we so comfortable and dead to see that? Im not trying to take away your money and things Im trying to let the ones who are doing things that are wrong for their benefit that we are on the same team-ship, why don't we be friends? We fried instead of tried! we haven't tried yet. we have tried to make a life in a system that is just as unpredictable as a bear coming to eat me! w car accidents, and whatever video game like massive weaponry being used is just not a way to solutions. sunlight and Us and sharing that in peace is a better plan for final result why are we creating deeper caves and bigger walls and more hate than where we were headed before? Your before and my before is infinite and we keep on brother and sisters, like spirals in shells, don't make this a living hell. Lets walk out of this every new day feeling better than before, its up to us to fill our hearts enough to give out, our minds could use some space and declutter a bit, go in, find that box of crap your hiding and go through it lovingly and give things away. more than things we need each others smiles, warmth, invitations, likes, comments, time, understanding, forgiveness, its the most valuable thing we can give right now. Things aside, our needs are connection, next best maybe food? but ALL should have basic needs met and almost a PHucking Fone!  bc we need a head count on phones... if some aren't being used release them or fixx them for those who want one or in need of one bc its like food now almost and Im about to say I don't want one but how will you ever find me if not? better hold on to it then. Im not worried, I don't want you to worry now either, how can I take your worries away? please Tell us, so we can correct this battle field called distorted Heaven on Earth. Know and believe in this process of evolution that connects us, binds us and how we can always choose. Choose Wellness. Mother Daughter, Spirit, Sacred and when you bless yourself this way it's upside down and ends at the heart. from Mother we came and Daughter as the sun in solar plexus, spirit instead of Holy bc it was sex that got us here nobody is so Holy to continue our species... and Sacred,,, at Heart... It's just because I like it. And all that is said to come from the heart... spelled instead of expelled ... connected not by the neck on the phone but from the Heart... Be More, Be All....

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