
Thursday, March 21, 2024

More Lessons...

 Some of what I learn from is merely in the spelling of the words and diff languages is more knowledge and from more knowledge we can aim at wisdom. We can make some assumptions, some explorations and w that misjudgments. You will never know until you try. Such as this... Freedom is Libertad in Spanish and my initials art TAD lol Liber is like Libro a book, Liber is like Liver the organ, which has the word Life and when your ready for Liberty you can read between the lines, you are now responsible enough to choose well at Free will, wo Fear interference, know the difference, having knowledge with it Wise. You know many Why's bc you asked and cared to know. With FREED-Om we are all able to now stop and be in silence, no lawn to cut or flight to catch, The planet can be in Peace wo the hum of something always on, a Silence, a Sigh now Slower. No rush. No now what? Will a baby still cry? why? if its with its mother. 

I have been asked to meditate on FREEDOM for a few mins daily and I thought I should say how FREE I have been. I chose to chain myself to structure, to find a pattern for survival, I wanted this person to know that I am freeing myself but that I crave also the need to satisfy the opposite. I see that sacrifice we make for love, for motherhood and family as being what humanity does and without that I would get an incredible amount of time that I would need to figure out how best to spend it. I am still young and willing to keep learning and contributing and joining for best results to BEST possibility. 

I felt a lot of LOVE inside of myself today. I spoke it out while driving in the car. I feel free when I drive for example or on a bike or any kind of scooter or motorcycle, also dancing, writing too. Yet I have mostly chosen to complain. I look for what I can fix instead of appreciating the IS. I see that but can alchemize and learn a new groove in the brain, needing a new route as engrained, like skis marked course in the snow through a trail, Its time we groom the garden, we are all skiing in the conciousness mountain. Can we live in Prayer? Everything we do w A-peace-ciation, a appreciation, Great-Full, grateful, Aware, Graceful, that our sounds and rhythm affects, not to bother, to accept our differences, not see each other as interference, and allow Fear in, having Faith instead, Believing in others, that its safe, more than dangerous, that we are good more than bad, that your trust in me allows me to want to Be better, that your mistrust in others is doubtful and unloving and the kind of thing that needs to fall off and fall away and a new leaf will grow from the tree, its a Be Leaf in magic! The invisible indivisible from what's here materially so spiritually we can focus to bring in a new order woman manifested this time, All of you inspired it, its free spirit and ecstasy of love how else do u think we all got here>? Full of Gifts waiting to be noticed! We need to take off the masks of this Masculine Man-unkind More Om-ing no Bombing Wombing, we've been cooking, we need time to rest and nest instead of protest, we have the choice if we are educated and not MAN-ipulated, where is True North when we are always slightly tilting? Join the channel, Wave-length, Ray of light-Radio both heard and seen, indivisible w liberty and justice for all. Take the hit, other cheek, a diff reaction. speak a tear, check your compass w reading glasses. toss the tools aside and feel the ground, find non cement, don't let them pull out wisdom teeth genius'. I prefer mine in. What even for? Not the Fairy or Fair for us. It can't get worse once you know the amount of lies in this business. Humans are many, we come in many colors, Hue-mana, colors of life, like birds of a feather, mystery-us, Love missing, taken from us, to MAN-ufacture more individuals to work for some hiding  King, who are these Leaders such failure. Forgive me if I am wrong. I ask for more love and for good men to stop drop and assume the role of LOVE. & To Heal Thyself.

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