
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

I will be an older lady someday

And I will be too old and gone another. I am starting to notice myself make more mistakes… I have thought about if I’m manifesting it w my belief or what… I want a snow globe ride, bubbles of an environment that you select to take… bc we all live in a yellow submarine and the song that never ends is our own choice to hum and dance to, as the repetitive one has shown to be tiring… no wonder ppl start to feel stale. Only if your dancing to your best song will u be inspiring the rest. The rest you need when head hits the pillow at a reasonable time. We have to pass the baton… it’s going across the whole planet. Even as off as u may be u will be able to pass it to somebody who is also there to receive it… you need to find out if it’s best to keep looking fwd or make eye contact and connect w the random stranger that u will probably never see again but… what’s the hurry? Why not have a quick coffee and ask a good question after the obvious ones, in order to learn something. Or touching watches to get connected on FB faster. Or U choose the speed of the information like drops of an IV, not all at once. Maybe even scanning to have technology help edit what’s shown to match compatibility. Personality tested like 5 points on a star at least.  Like I’m thinking we can paint 10 toes at once already bc they care about this when it comes to business.. folding origami as reading a book. Music when we make movements on a yoga mat… not like a piano, like a euphoric sound that inspires a stretch or the length of time of it. Glow in the dark and decomposing as a bed of seeds like LARGE Hamama. Or eggs with hatching surprises LOL, cigarettes that whistle, brooms w magnetic bristles for jewelers and that as a piece of art…. Flip it upside down and watch it glitter w randomness… never the same. Magnetic for everything… LIKE w LIKE… a way to group, more of this for travel, for less accidents, for drones to carry packages, for earring backs to stay on. Like a succióning fan option… blow air out and to blow it in… and find the things that collect on the outer cage… like a metal detector on your own property. A comb berret used on long grass LOL nobody done it w a rake yet have they? It’s something I’d try but then realize it doesn’t look pretty enough to go through w it… maybe if we take a bunch of rakes and do it like a pattern but like BERRETs the little comb u comb one way then the other way to lock the hair… not to be mistaken w a Raspebbery berret which ironically I do have two, one that was my mothers in cashmere and one that was her mother’s in a more classic wool I guess. I still think yoga mats could be abbreviated in material into grip socks for feet and hands like glove rubber cushy… great grip… and the leaves on a Rose looks like a knife edge pinking shears… zig zag… it’s so good… and edible plates and utensils or that we can plant into a tree. 

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