
Saturday, October 7, 2023


We are going to T its like B but better. A golf T stands straight as an arrow w her arms straight up to hold the ball. We will be like a T-shirt but its T-sure feeling Sure about ourselves, confident, happy, proud. As sweet as the honey in your Tea. Always telling the Truth bc w are unafraid and face things to get past them from the beginning! A T that shows her teeth, authentic smiles and connects with others gifting warmth and kindness sincerely. A T like ruler that is precise and finds new angles to approach things in better ways. A T that is U that is Me that is We that is like puzzles of E’s interconnected like a groomed comb. As smart as Athena but motivation of peace seeing the signs like the dove that flew in a circle above. Believing that there is something more magical than the mundane part of us. A Team player, forgiving and giving more than taking bc the powers are so big that there is no lack. A teeny bit more grown up now the girl is grown. She is capitalized maximized. Holding her own w enough stregth to hold others, mentally prepared, getting her rest, having whats best, simple is it. Mass massages we turned the page to begin to nurture our selves and massage our brain w lessons in knowledge that lies available, she taught. Almost a full eye there is more to go, find a direction and then try to switch it. Fill yourself, stay beautiful. A twinkle and sparkle a shine. 

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