
Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Candle light project...

The project entailed of shooting whatever you wanted but must only be shot with the use of candle light. I did a trial version with my mannequins hand (woman) and a man hand I happen to have and buy in a museum in nyc. I set them up so that they were frozen in love holding each other in different poses, I didnt like the turn out. I found it to look stale and with not enough movement and if I were to shoot THAT ever again I'd go with less candle light.
I decided to shoot an idea I had about shadows, making different patterns of shadow on a friends face like using things I'd find around the house such as a cheese grater to make all those little holes etc. I tried just using the shadow on a wall, I soon realized I had to use a hard light instead of a candles soft light to make it work.
I became a little bothered with the project and didn't know what I could find to get myself excited about it again. I looked around at all the stuff in my room and nothing looked interesting enough to shoot at my all ready created set.
Then, I found a box with some things and the piece of decoration used in a gift that was given to me. I had saved it to use in something like this!

This piece of gift wrap decoration in a curly tinsel has an automatic positive feeling. Its symbolic of good times like candles are in a birthday celebration! I chose to shoot it with an out of focus because like memories of good times, they fade, we lose information and you just remember the main point or points.
The way that the piece of tinsel catches the light and reflects it was what I most enjoyed about photographing it... we "reflect" back at those times to now only have a foggy interpretation.

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