
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Digging for… Gold…✨

The last sip-per…

I’m lying on my yoga mat before the sunrises knowing how much love I have for both the sun and the moon and which I think I am more like or which I aim to be more like or which I’d like to see more of or any comparison to question to know where I stand and how lovely it is and honestly I don’t even question it. If it’s true I’m supposed to be asleep at night and awake in the day I just really like to stay awake talking while watching the stars, catching them shoot across the sky… or a fire burn in the night, it’s warmth gives me feelings of hope, incredible power, ancient wisdom, nature as something to respect, I don’t need to take Ayawaska to get that. I feel my ancestors and all of our higher powers and the magnitude of intelligence that finally I can assure you we shouldn’t fear, we are watched, guided and cared for when we need it. Creepy are our thoughts, not their love. We must deliberately ask for more guidance, show more respect, remember they are who come before us, I also forget these things. I came to write again, to discuss a silly thought, the love and care I crave now questionable cuz then I won’t be as able to be my crazefree self… I’d have new eyes on me caring to watch me do these rarities and then I ask why I don’t belong? It’s bc I guess I wanted this, I painted this picture, I manifested the dream through some kind of intention and even if u want more than one thing u end up somewhere… it’s my wild guess. I appreciate being here, exactly where I am, only thing is missing is you to hold and be held by. That would mean I’d have less time to write here, I’d be more present, the moment, connection. I took a year off writing one time, just saying… it is a long time but also something i missed. I’ve tried lots of diff things but some things do stay the same, don’t they. I couldn’t have a baby now, I don’t even have a guy… I have a dog, I have a business to attend to, I have relationship issues. I don’t go to a therapist. I don’t take meds. I deal. Life is about teamwork, about sharing moments w ppl u love and love u back. Life is no fun alone, socially distanced, or wearing a mask. Life is a lie if it is. Life is not supposed to be like this and this is not life. Kids and even dogs r seeing owners/parents holding a phone all day long. I can’t be a part of this and yet I am. We know it and we just are… we can’t not be. Everything is made of plastic! I don’t know what to eat anymore. Silly things hyped up to be so expensive and then it don’t match up to what we can afford. They r selling us fake crap or temp shit or even what’s cheap is so cheap but the pollution isn’t being acounted for. While turnin a blind eye we see time fly by… we make time to avoid, to get high and to play w puppets while missing the point and losing sight of the goals and over all direction. We all know this now. We are human and want to find pleasure, with enough money we can do that but also it’s got to be found for free. Not through drugs or even marathons but through more of what’s simple in life before the cement. The great pleasures shared for those with nothing. That it is limitless w solar, wind… why deprive and punish ONLY, so much? I always pretty much say the same thing… yes, a better world. A better world. 

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